
MoMo Bamboo - Our Story

Momo, a.k.a. Morris Bryan spent decades inventing and designing plastic hydroponic gardens.  These types of gardens have become immensely successful due to their ease of use, excellent productivity, and space utilization.  Many people enjoy growing their produce at home, which eliminates transportation costs and maintains the freshness of the food.

After years of working with plastic and being in many production facilities, the massive ecological damage caused by plastic gardens became evident and Momo began searching and creating a growing system that was a zero-carbon footprint.

Bamboo is the most renewable natural resource on the planet.  Its properties are truly astounding.  Here are some interesting facts: https://onetreeplanted.org/blogs/stories/bamboo

But importing bamboo from Asia where it is most prevalent creates shipping carbon.  Also, most Asian bamboo is cured with Boron and Borax and is not waterproof.

So, Momo began searching for local bamboo groves that are of the quality required to manufacture growing systems.  And finding the species that grew large enough was not easy.  Moso, Vivax, and Japanese timber varieties fit the bill and after searching, Momo found several bamboo farms in both North and South Carolina as well as private land where the owner agreed to allow harvesting.

After harvesting, the bamboo is stored in a shady location with air circulation and rotated weekly.  After several months, the bamboo poles are cured using our proprietary curing agent which is a blend of all natural forest oils, nuts, and seeds.  In addition, a light flaming technique is used to produce the variety of colors that we offer.  In some cases, the bamboo is allowed to air dry for several years which creates interesting grains and patterns.

Every MoMo Bamboo Earth Station planter is unique; there are no two alike.  Also, the Earth Pod planter and the Earth Light candle wrap are actually byproducts of Earth Station manufacturing.  This increases the utilization of the bamboo pole so very little is wasted.

Every Earth Station planter is signed by Momo himself. The high quality of our Momo Bamboo Earth Station planter reflects a commitment to providing a growing container that is beautiful, earth friendly, sustainable, and long lasting.